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What Causes Homosexuality?

Due to wrong judgment (judgment that is not aligned with God’s Divine Love), gay people have a lot of difficulty accepting their same sex attractions. Epigenetics and Spiritual Research are paving the path to understanding the deeper causes of homosexuality which allude to gay people being born 100% gay; i.e. there are no mistakes in our identities in this world and we have pre-chosen these identities. More research is needed in a larger population of gay people for both genetics and past lives.

Two papers currently describe the mechanism of Dna Methylation contributing to a male being more feminine and a female being more masculine, in turn leading to homosexuality.

Epigenetics Research


“Homosexuality as a Consequence of Epigenetically Canalized Sexual Development”

“In this model, homosexuality occurs when stronger-than-average SA-epi-marks (influencing sexual preference) from an opposite-sex parent escape erasure and are then paired with a weaker-than-average de novo sex-specific epi-marks produced in opposite-sex offspring.”

“Chapter Eight – The Biological Basis of Human Sexual Orientation: Is There a Role for Epigenetics?”


Past Life Research


About Dr. Michael Newton (from the website):

"From his discovery of the healing that could be facilitated through deep spiritual regression, he developed over many years his own intensive age regression technique to effectively take hypnosis subjects beyond their past life memories, to a more expanded and meaningful soul experience between lives.


Michael began to explore (using meticulous research), the afterlife through the eyes of his clients. It was to be over 25 years before Michael first shared his work with the world, having researched and assembled a model of the spiritual realm 7000 clients, spanning over 35 years. His journey towards these discoveries is further outlined in his best-selling books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls."


In his book, "Journey of Souls," he presents case by case studies of life between lives. Importantly, he summarizes his understanding of homosexuality on page 66. He writes that advanced souls choose to incarnate in both male and female bodies, whereas younger souls choose the same sex 75% of the time. He states, "Sometimes I find that gay people have chosen in advance of their current lives to experiment with a sex that was seldom used in former lives... When this road is chosen by one of my clients, it can usually be traced to a karmic need to accelerate personal understanding of the complex differences in gender identity as related to certain events in their past."


What Dr Newton is saying is that if a soul wants to balance their masculine and feminine human qualities/personality traits due to imbalances in previous lifetimes they will choose the other sex. Further research of the same kind must be done in the gay population to definitively understand how many lifetimes a gay-expressing soul was of one sex before switching to the opposite sex body, and what percentage of the time this switch leads to homosexuality. It would make sense that if a soul was male in most of it's past lives and changes to being female, that it would bring into this life it's attraction to women. However, more data is needed to support this hypothesis.


Other research on past lives and links to homosexuality and gender non-conforming behaviors:


Childhood Gender Nonconformity and Children’s Past-Life Memories


Reincarnation Cases with Sex Change


"Gender Nonconformity  

A 2018 paper by DOPS researchers reported that 80 percent of children who remembered a previous life of the opposite sex exhibited gender atypical behaviours, compared to only six percent of children who reported gender-congruent past lives. These findings were consistent with two earlier studies carried out at DOPS,13 again suggesting that the influence of past life memories might be a third factor, in addition to genes and environment, in individual differences.14 "

Numerous case stories on reincarnation and other psychical research topics can be found here:

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